Industry News

This page contains topics based on industry news therefore it is not related to our products

Swiss Flag in front of a Government Building

Switzerland Tightens Control on Synthetic Canna...


Switzerland Amplifies Regulations on Synthetic Cannabinoids Amidst the ongoing discussions and debates surrounding cannabis regulation in Switzerland, the government has taken a decisive step to control synthetic cannabinoids. The Swiss...

Switzerland Tightens Control on Synthetic Canna...


Switzerland Amplifies Regulations on Synthetic Cannabinoids Amidst the ongoing discussions and debates surrounding cannabis regulation in Switzerland, the government has taken a decisive step to control synthetic cannabinoids. The Swiss...

Cannabis Leaf on Canadian Flag

Exploring Cannabis Use Trends Amidst Canadian L...


Unveiling Cannabis Use Trends Post-Legalization in Canada The journey towards cannabis legalization in Canada has been a focal point of global attention, sparking debates and discussions regarding its impact on...

Exploring Cannabis Use Trends Amidst Canadian L...


Unveiling Cannabis Use Trends Post-Legalization in Canada The journey towards cannabis legalization in Canada has been a focal point of global attention, sparking debates and discussions regarding its impact on...

Cannabis on hand infront of doctors and patient

Exploring Cannabis Use Among Cancer Patients fo...


Unveiling Cannabis Use Among Cancer Patients Recent surveys have shed light on a notable trend among cancer patients: a significant 15% acknowledge the use of cannabis as a means to...

Exploring Cannabis Use Among Cancer Patients fo...


Unveiling Cannabis Use Among Cancer Patients Recent surveys have shed light on a notable trend among cancer patients: a significant 15% acknowledge the use of cannabis as a means to...

American and Texas Flag

Lubbock, Texas Advocates Propel Marijuana Depen...


Lubbock Advocates Amplify the Call for Marijuana Depenalization In a remarkable display of civic engagement, activists in Lubbock, Texas, have reportedly amassed a substantial number of signatures, potentially propelling the...

Lubbock, Texas Advocates Propel Marijuana Depen...


Lubbock Advocates Amplify the Call for Marijuana Depenalization In a remarkable display of civic engagement, activists in Lubbock, Texas, have reportedly amassed a substantial number of signatures, potentially propelling the...

Flag of Georgia

Georgia Enables Independent Pharmacies to Distr...


Georgia Paves the Way for Cannabis Oil Products in Independent Pharmacies In a pivotal move, regulators in Georgia are advancing plans to allow the sale of state-licensed cannabis oil products...

Georgia Enables Independent Pharmacies to Distr...


Georgia Paves the Way for Cannabis Oil Products in Independent Pharmacies In a pivotal move, regulators in Georgia are advancing plans to allow the sale of state-licensed cannabis oil products...

Cannabis leaves in Bed

Unlocking the Sleep-Enhancing Potentials of Can...


CBN: A Beacon of Hope for Sleep Wellness The pursuit of a good night's sleep has led researchers to explore various avenues, one of which is the potential of cannabinoids...

Unlocking the Sleep-Enhancing Potentials of Can...


CBN: A Beacon of Hope for Sleep Wellness The pursuit of a good night's sleep has led researchers to explore various avenues, one of which is the potential of cannabinoids...

Seal of the governor of the State of California

California Enacts Laws Enhancing Cannabis Right...


California Advances Cannabis Rights: A New Chapter for Patients and Employees In a progressive move, California's Democratic Governor, Gavin Newsom, has signed two pivotal bills into law, each carving a...

California Enacts Laws Enhancing Cannabis Right...


California Advances Cannabis Rights: A New Chapter for Patients and Employees In a progressive move, California's Democratic Governor, Gavin Newsom, has signed two pivotal bills into law, each carving a...

cannabis and a handcuffs

Exploring the Non-Impact of Marijuana Retailers...


Unveiling the Truth: Marijuana Retailers and Crime Rates It's a topic that has sparked numerous debates and discussions: the impact of marijuana retailers on local crime rates. A recent study,...

Exploring the Non-Impact of Marijuana Retailers...


Unveiling the Truth: Marijuana Retailers and Crime Rates It's a topic that has sparked numerous debates and discussions: the impact of marijuana retailers on local crime rates. A recent study,...

Person on a Wheelchair

Exploring the Impact of Cannabis Treatment on S...


Unlocking the Potential: Cannabis in Treating Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a formidable adversary in the global health arena, afflicts approximately 2.8 million people worldwide, with a new diagnosis...

Exploring the Impact of Cannabis Treatment on S...


Unlocking the Potential: Cannabis in Treating Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a formidable adversary in the global health arena, afflicts approximately 2.8 million people worldwide, with a new diagnosis...

Police dog sniffing a backpack

Exploring the Accuracy of Drug-Sniffing Dogs in...


Unveiling the Truth Behind Drug-Sniffing Dogs in Law Enforcement Drug-sniffing dogs have long been heralded as reliable assistants in the global war against drugs, aiding law enforcement agencies in detecting...

Exploring the Accuracy of Drug-Sniffing Dogs in...


Unveiling the Truth Behind Drug-Sniffing Dogs in Law Enforcement Drug-sniffing dogs have long been heralded as reliable assistants in the global war against drugs, aiding law enforcement agencies in detecting...

German Flag in the Reichstag building

Germany Advances Towards Cannabis Legalization ...


Germany Navigates Through Cannabis Legalization Hurdles Germany's journey towards the legalization of cannabis, a substance that has long been under scrutiny and subject to stringent regulations, has recently witnessed a...

Germany Advances Towards Cannabis Legalization ...


Germany Navigates Through Cannabis Legalization Hurdles Germany's journey towards the legalization of cannabis, a substance that has long been under scrutiny and subject to stringent regulations, has recently witnessed a...

cannabis plant and flag of France

French Medical Cannabis Legalization Faces Unce...


The Intricacies of Medical Cannabis Legalization in France As the global shift towards the acceptance and legalization of medical cannabis continues to gain momentum, France finds itself at a pivotal...

French Medical Cannabis Legalization Faces Unce...


The Intricacies of Medical Cannabis Legalization in France As the global shift towards the acceptance and legalization of medical cannabis continues to gain momentum, France finds itself at a pivotal...

Swiss flag with Cannabis Plant on the back ground

Swiss Navigates Towards Progressive Cannabis Re...


On 28th September 2023, a significant move was made by the Swiss National Council, extending a parliamentary initiative led by Berner Mitte-Nationalrat Heinz Siegenthaler. The initiative, titled "Regulation of the...

Swiss Navigates Towards Progressive Cannabis Re...


On 28th September 2023, a significant move was made by the Swiss National Council, extending a parliamentary initiative led by Berner Mitte-Nationalrat Heinz Siegenthaler. The initiative, titled "Regulation of the...

Prescription pills with medical cannabis

Cannabis Offers Sustained Relief for Neuropathi...


Introduction Neuropathic pain is a debilitating condition affecting millions worldwide. Traditional treatments often fall short in providing long-term relief. However, a recent German study offers promising results, indicating that cannabis...

Cannabis Offers Sustained Relief for Neuropathi...


Introduction Neuropathic pain is a debilitating condition affecting millions worldwide. Traditional treatments often fall short in providing long-term relief. However, a recent German study offers promising results, indicating that cannabis...

Cannabis Vape Cartridge and Cannabis leaf

Cannabis Vaporisation Shows Promise in Alleviat...


The Therapeutic Potential of Vaporised Cannabis Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that affects countless individuals worldwide. Traditional treatments often fall short in providing relief, leading researchers to...

Cannabis Vaporisation Shows Promise in Alleviat...


The Therapeutic Potential of Vaporised Cannabis Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that affects countless individuals worldwide. Traditional treatments often fall short in providing relief, leading researchers to...

FDA Thailand

Thailand's Progressive Cannabis Regulation: A N...


Thailand's Progressive Stance on Cannabis Thailand has long recognized the medicinal potential of cannabis, with its rich history in traditional Thai medicine. However, the Narcotics Act of 1979 classified cannabis...

Thailand's Progressive Cannabis Regulation: A N...


Thailand's Progressive Stance on Cannabis Thailand has long recognized the medicinal potential of cannabis, with its rich history in traditional Thai medicine. However, the Narcotics Act of 1979 classified cannabis...

swimmer athlete

Athletes Turn to Cannabis for Exercise Recovery...


The Rise of Cannabis in Athletic Recovery Recent surveys have unveiled a growing trend among athletes: the use of cannabis products to aid in post-exercise recovery. This revelation has sparked...

Athletes Turn to Cannabis for Exercise Recovery...


The Rise of Cannabis in Athletic Recovery Recent surveys have unveiled a growing trend among athletes: the use of cannabis products to aid in post-exercise recovery. This revelation has sparked...

Purplish Cannabis Leaf

The Controversy Surrounding Inflated THC Potenc...


Unravelling the THC Potency Debate The cannabis industry has seen significant growth in recent years, especially with the wave of legalisation across various countries. However, with this growth comes increased...

The Controversy Surrounding Inflated THC Potenc...


Unravelling the THC Potency Debate The cannabis industry has seen significant growth in recent years, especially with the wave of legalisation across various countries. However, with this growth comes increased...

Cannabis leaf in front of the Reichstag building

Germany's Cannabis Legalisation Debate: A Deep ...


The Debate on Cannabis Legalisation in Germany Germany, a nation known for its rigorous policies and regulations, is currently at the epicentre of a significant debate regarding cannabis legalisation. A...

Germany's Cannabis Legalisation Debate: A Deep ...


The Debate on Cannabis Legalisation in Germany Germany, a nation known for its rigorous policies and regulations, is currently at the epicentre of a significant debate regarding cannabis legalisation. A...

girl with dreadlocks hairstyle smoking

Understanding Youth Cannabis Consumption in Can...


The Prevalence of Cannabis Use Among Canadian Youth Recent data suggests that the prevalence of cannabis use among Canadian youth remains unchanged. Despite the legalisation of cannabis in Canada, the...

Understanding Youth Cannabis Consumption in Can...


The Prevalence of Cannabis Use Among Canadian Youth Recent data suggests that the prevalence of cannabis use among Canadian youth remains unchanged. Despite the legalisation of cannabis in Canada, the...