Industry News

This page contains topics based on industry news therefore it is not related to our products

Cannabis May Cut Opioid Cravings

Cannabis as a Potential Aid in Reducing Opioid ...


The Global Opioid Crisis The opioid epidemic is a global concern, affecting countless individuals and communities. Despite the War on Drugs' efforts, opioid addiction remains a significant challenge, with governments...

Cannabis as a Potential Aid in Reducing Opioid ...


The Global Opioid Crisis The opioid epidemic is a global concern, affecting countless individuals and communities. Despite the War on Drugs' efforts, opioid addiction remains a significant challenge, with governments...

 Cannabis Lowers Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Cannabis Consumption Linked to Lowered Type 2 D...


The Growing Concern of Type 2 Diabetes With the global health landscape evolving, type 2 diabetes emerges as one of the most pressing health challenges. As of 2017, an alarming...

Cannabis Consumption Linked to Lowered Type 2 D...


The Growing Concern of Type 2 Diabetes With the global health landscape evolving, type 2 diabetes emerges as one of the most pressing health challenges. As of 2017, an alarming...

Cannabis Policies in Canada

Modernised Cannabis Policies in Canada: A Win-W...


The Global Momentum of Cannabis Policy Modernisation Across the globe, the winds of change are blowing in the realm of cannabis policy. From the Americas to Europe, nations are re-evaluating...

Modernised Cannabis Policies in Canada: A Win-W...


The Global Momentum of Cannabis Policy Modernisation Across the globe, the winds of change are blowing in the realm of cannabis policy. From the Americas to Europe, nations are re-evaluating...

Hong Kong's Crackdown on CBD Products

Hong Kong's Strict Stance: CBD Products in Lugg...


Hong Kong's Crackdown on CBD Products Travellers with a penchant for cannabis and its derivatives need to exercise caution when considering Hong Kong as a destination. The city, once known...

Hong Kong's Strict Stance: CBD Products in Lugg...


Hong Kong's Crackdown on CBD Products Travellers with a penchant for cannabis and its derivatives need to exercise caution when considering Hong Kong as a destination. The city, once known...

Scotland's Progressive Move

Scotland's Progressive Move: Proposals to Decri...


Scotland's Progressive Stance on Drug Decriminalisation Scotland has recently made headlines with its audacious proposal to decriminalise drug use. This move, rooted in a public health perspective, has been lauded...

Scotland's Progressive Move: Proposals to Decri...


Scotland's Progressive Stance on Drug Decriminalisation Scotland has recently made headlines with its audacious proposal to decriminalise drug use. This move, rooted in a public health perspective, has been lauded...

Latest Cannabis Research

Latest Cannabis Research: Promising Results for...


Recent Discoveries in Cannabis Medicine We’ve delved into some of the latest research in the realm of cannabis medicine, highlighting its potential therapeutic effects on several chronic conditions. As the...

Latest Cannabis Research: Promising Results for...


Recent Discoveries in Cannabis Medicine We’ve delved into some of the latest research in the realm of cannabis medicine, highlighting its potential therapeutic effects on several chronic conditions. As the...

Cannabis Enhances Veterans' Lives

Medicinal Cannabis Elevates Veterans' Lives, Re...


Medicinal Cannabis: A Beacon of Hope for Veterans Recent research has shed light on the transformative effects of medicinal cannabis on the lives of veterans. The study, which delved into...

Medicinal Cannabis Elevates Veterans' Lives, Re...


Medicinal Cannabis: A Beacon of Hope for Veterans Recent research has shed light on the transformative effects of medicinal cannabis on the lives of veterans. The study, which delved into...

Albania's Bold Move: Embracing Medical and Industrial Cannabis Cultivation

Albania's Bold Move: Embracing Medical and Indu...


Albania's Progressive Stance on Cannabis Cultivation Albania has recently taken a monumental step by officially legalising the cultivation and processing of the cannabis plant for both medical and industrial purposes....

Albania's Bold Move: Embracing Medical and Indu...


Albania's Progressive Stance on Cannabis Cultivation Albania has recently taken a monumental step by officially legalising the cultivation and processing of the cannabis plant for both medical and industrial purposes....

Malta's Cannabis Reform

Malta's Cannabis Reform: Progress, Concerns, an...


Malta's Cannabis Reform: A Progressive Step Amidst Concerns Malta's recent cannabis reform has been hailed as a significant transformation in the health and wellbeing of its citizens. While the reform...

Malta's Cannabis Reform: Progress, Concerns, an...


Malta's Cannabis Reform: A Progressive Step Amidst Concerns Malta's recent cannabis reform has been hailed as a significant transformation in the health and wellbeing of its citizens. While the reform...

Cannabis in Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Cannabis Shows Promise in Treating Generalized ...


Cannabis: A Potential Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a common mental health condition that affects people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent worrying or anxiety...

Cannabis Shows Promise in Treating Generalized ...


Cannabis: A Potential Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a common mental health condition that affects people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent worrying or anxiety...

Cannabis Use for Menopause Symptoms

Cannabis Use for Menopause Symptoms: Insights f...


The Role of Cannabis in Alleviating Menopause Symptoms Menopause is a natural part of biological ageing for every woman, typically experienced between the ages of 45 and 55 years old....

Cannabis Use for Menopause Symptoms: Insights f...


The Role of Cannabis in Alleviating Menopause Symptoms Menopause is a natural part of biological ageing for every woman, typically experienced between the ages of 45 and 55 years old....

Fibromyalgia and THC

THC Treatment Improves Symptoms in Fibromyalgia...


Fibromyalgia and THC: A Promising Treatment Approach Fibromyalgia is a widespread health condition affecting people of all ages globally. Characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, memory issues, and...

THC Treatment Improves Symptoms in Fibromyalgia...


Fibromyalgia and THC: A Promising Treatment Approach Fibromyalgia is a widespread health condition affecting people of all ages globally. Characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, memory issues, and...

Cannabinoids Reduce Tic Frequency

Cannabinoids Reduce Tic Frequency in Tourette S...


Cannabinoids and Tourette Syndrome: A New Study Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterised by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalisations called tics. It is estimated that as many...

Cannabinoids Reduce Tic Frequency in Tourette S...


Cannabinoids and Tourette Syndrome: A New Study Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterised by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalisations called tics. It is estimated that as many...

Germany's Cannabis Legalization

Germany's Cannabis Legalization: New Details Un...


Germany Unveils More Details on Cannabis Legalization Germany's anticipated cannabis legalization measure is expected to be formally submitted to the cabinet in the coming month. New details about the current...

Germany's Cannabis Legalization: New Details Un...


Germany Unveils More Details on Cannabis Legalization Germany's anticipated cannabis legalization measure is expected to be formally submitted to the cabinet in the coming month. New details about the current...

Harnessing the Potential of Hemp:

Harnessing the Potential of Hemp: A Sustainable...


Hemp, scientifically known as Cannabis sativa, is a plant that has been utilised for centuries and has gained increased attention in recent years due to its versatile applications and sustainable...

Harnessing the Potential of Hemp: A Sustainable...


Hemp, scientifically known as Cannabis sativa, is a plant that has been utilised for centuries and has gained increased attention in recent years due to its versatile applications and sustainable...

A Tribute to Dr. Raphael Mechoulam - Pioneer and Visionary in Cannabis Research

A Tribute to Dr. Raphael Mechoulam - Pioneer an...


It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, a pioneering and visionary figure in the field of cannabis research. Dr. Mechoulam's groundbreaking work laid...

A Tribute to Dr. Raphael Mechoulam - Pioneer an...


It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, a pioneering and visionary figure in the field of cannabis research. Dr. Mechoulam's groundbreaking work laid...

NHS Launches Major Clinical Trial

NHS Launches Major Clinical Trial on Cannabis M...


Groundbreaking Clinical Trial on Cannabis Medicines The UK has always been at the forefront of medical research, and its latest endeavour is no exception. The National Health Service (NHS) has...

NHS Launches Major Clinical Trial on Cannabis M...


Groundbreaking Clinical Trial on Cannabis Medicines The UK has always been at the forefront of medical research, and its latest endeavour is no exception. The National Health Service (NHS) has...

Discrepancy in CBD Content

Discrepancy in CBD Content: UK Products Under t...


In a recent study examining the CBD content of products available in the UK, a significant discrepancy was observed between the advertised and actual CBD concentrations. This research sheds light...

Discrepancy in CBD Content: UK Products Under t...


In a recent study examining the CBD content of products available in the UK, a significant discrepancy was observed between the advertised and actual CBD concentrations. This research sheds light...


Understanding Δ8-THC: Insights from Dr. Mark A....


Dr. Mark A. Scialdone is a renowned expert in organic chemistry with a focus on natural product chemistry. With 37 US patents and 17 peer-reviewed articles to his name, he...

Understanding Δ8-THC: Insights from Dr. Mark A....


Dr. Mark A. Scialdone is a renowned expert in organic chemistry with a focus on natural product chemistry. With 37 US patents and 17 peer-reviewed articles to his name, he...

The Prevalence of Cannabis in Europe

Cannabis: The Most Popular Illegal Recreational...


The Prevalence of Cannabis in Europe According to a recent drug report by the European Union, cannabis is the most popular illegal recreational substance in Europe. Approximately 8% of the...

Cannabis: The Most Popular Illegal Recreational...


The Prevalence of Cannabis in Europe According to a recent drug report by the European Union, cannabis is the most popular illegal recreational substance in Europe. Approximately 8% of the...