Scotland's Progressive Move: Proposals to Decriminalise Drug Use Gain Global Praise

Scotland's Progressive Move

Scotland's Progressive Stance on Drug Decriminalisation

Scotland has recently made headlines with its audacious proposal to decriminalise drug use. This move, rooted in a public health perspective, has been lauded by international experts in policy and public health. The nation's leaders are advocating for a shift from viewing drug use as a criminal justice issue to understanding it as a public health concern.

A Compassionate Approach to Drug Policy

In a groundbreaking report released on 7 July, the Scottish Government emphasises the need for a 'caring, compassionate and human rights-informed approach to drug policy'. This approach is anchored in principles of public health and harm reduction. The report's release is timely, aligning with recent appeals from UN experts to conclude the global 'war on drugs'. Members of the Human Rights Council have urgently recommended the decriminalisation of drug use.

Scotland's Drug Crisis: A Public Health Emergency

Scotland is grappling with a severe drug crisis, recording the highest rate of drug-related deaths in Western Europe. This rate is threefold that of the UK's average. The year 2021 witnessed 1,330 drug misuse deaths, marking the second-highest annual total ever documented.

The surge in drug-related deaths has even impacted Scotland's life expectancy. Drug use disorders have become the third leading contributor to health loss in the population, following heart disease and dementia. Notably, drug use is the only cause among these where users face criminalisation.

Learning from Global Drug Reforms

Scotland aims to adopt an 'evidence-based' approach, drawing insights from nations that have pioneered drug reforms. Countries with decriminalisation models, like Portugal, and those with regulated cannabis markets, such as Canada, serve as inspirations.

The report articulates, "Decriminalising drugs for personal use can empower individuals, alleviating their fears of seeking treatment and support, thereby reducing drug-related harms and enhancing lives."

Exploring Regulated Markets

The report delves into the potential advantages of considering a regulated market for the safe control of substances. This approach could counteract organised crime. Canada's gradual introduction of legal cannabis products serves as a model. The report also suggests the possibility of a Citizens’ Assembly, akin to the ongoing initiative in Ireland, to assess public support.

Reactions to Scotland's Bold Proposal

The report has garnered widespread acclaim from experts in drug policy, law enforcement, and public health. Ian Andrew of LEAP [Law Enforcement Action Partnership] Scotland, a former police inspector, described the policy change as 'bold and very welcome'.

The UK’s Faculty of Public Health lauded the Scottish government for its 'leadership' in this domain. Furthermore, global community-led organisations working to mitigate the harms caused by drug use have endorsed the Scottish government’s approach in a letter.

This endorsement letter has been signed by several drug user rights organisations, including the European Network of People who Use Drugs (EuroNPUD) and the International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD).

UK Government's Response

Despite the international praise, the UK government remains steadfast in its 'tough stance' on drugs. Reports suggest that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak dismissed the proposals swiftly.

The Scottish Conservative Party and the Labour government also expressed reservations about the decriminalisation of drug supply or possession. Such responses might bolster the Scottish National Party’s (SNP) calls for Scottish independence and further devolution of powers from Westminster.


Scotland's proposal to decriminalise drug use represents a transformative shift in drug policy, prioritising health and compassion over criminalisation. While the proposal has received international acclaim, its implementation will require collaboration, understanding, and a shared vision for a healthier future.

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Robin Roy Krigslund-Hansen

Robin Roy Krigslund-Hansen

About the author:

Robin Roy Krigslund-Hansen is known for his extensive knowledge and expertise in the fields of CBD and hemp production. With a career spanning over a decade in the cannabis industry, he has dedicated his life to understanding the intricacies of these plants and their potential benefits to human health and the environment. Over the years, Robin has worked tirelessly to promote the full legalization of hemp in Europe. His fascination with the plant's versatility and potential for sustainable production led him to pursue a career in the field.

More about Robin Roy Krigslund-Hansen

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