How Should I Use Hemp Oil?

How Should I Use Hemp Oil?

Understanding Hemp Oil Usage

For many years, individuals have been utilising hemp oil in a sublingual manner. This involves placing the oil under the tongue and allowing it to dissolve slowly for at least 10 minutes before swallowing. This technique permits the hemp compounds to be directly absorbed into the bloodstream via the mucous membranes, offering an effective way to experience the benefits of hemp.

Important Changes in Hemp Oil Recommendations

However, since January 2019, changes in legislation within the European Union and Switzerland have influenced the way we suggest using our hemp oils. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) now categorises hemp as a "Novel Food". Consequently, our hemp oils are not advised for oral consumption.

Presently, our hemp oils are registered as cosmetics within the European Union, which means they are designed for external application. Applying hemp oil topically allows the hemp components to interact with cannabinoid receptors in the skin without entering the bloodstream. This approach is perfect for those aiming to focus on specific body areas.

How Should I Use Hemp Oil?

How to Apply Hemp Oil Externally

For topical use of hemp oil, simply dispense a few drops onto the desired area and gently rub it into the skin. This can be repeated multiple times daily, based on your requirements and any professional recommendations.

Deciding the Right Time for Hemp Oil

The ideal time to use hemp oil varies among individuals and their reasons for using it. Some find that applying hemp oil in the morning sets a positive tone for the day, while others use it in the evening for relaxation.

It's essential to remember that everyone's experience with hemp oil is distinct. It's advisable to commence with a minimal amount and gradually increase until you discover the quantity that suits you best. For more insights on the right amount, you can

Buy Hemp Oil here.